Laundering Used Clothing

When laundering used clothing, take into consideration that this laundry has most likely been in storage for a while, maybe even years. This may cause it to be mildewed, moldy or very dusty. Here are some easy tips to make them good as new again.

Laundering Tip 1

Take the clothing outside on a nice day, preferably the same day you are going to the laundromat. We recommend taking the used clothing outside to prevent any potential mold or mildew from entering your home. If you have allergies to dust or mold, be sure to wear a mask. Keep in mind that, even if the laundry has been kept in climate controlled storage, it still may be extremely musty or dusty.


Used Clothing Tip 2

Probably stored in a plastic bag or cardboard box, empty all items onto a clean table. Next, sort the items by color, material and condition. At this stage, you’ll want to look for tears or stains. If you locate a stain, separate it into a pre-treating pile. Or go ahead and pre-treat it, but only if you plan to wash it within the next hour.

Make a pile for items that your kids won’t wear, then donate it to a local charity on your way to the laundromat.


Tip 3 Save Time Laundering Used Clothing

When your nephews outgrew their clothes, there may have been garbage bags loaded with t-shirts, shorts and jeans. Rather than spend days, washing and drying items in your homestyle equipment, we recommend that you try your local laundromat. They have large machines that can wash an entire week’s worth of laundry in a few minutes. And drying time is super fast due to their high speed spins and hot dryers. However, if you want to save even more time, drop off the bags and let the laundromat wash them for you.

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