Spring Cleaning Tips & Tricks

Spring is on the horizon, and no matter where you are in life, your home needs some TLC. Now is the time to throw open the windows and let in fresh, clean air. Just in time, here are five helpful spring cleaning tips and tricks from the experts at SuperSuds.

Spring Cleaning Try Laundry Service

Spring Forward Like a Super Hero Tip 1

With so much to do in the spring, the last thing you want to do is spend your entire week washing spring clothes. Nevertheless, it needs to be done. This is where your local laundromat can help. Many of them, like SuperSudsSpot and Laundry City, offer laundry services. Simply bag up your drapes, pillows, outdoor cushions, and clothing and drop them off. They will weigh them and text you when they’re ready for pickup.

spring cleaning curtains

A Fresh Take on Spring Cleaning – Drying Tip 2

Changing seasons are exciting! You can take down the dirty, and put up clean. May we recommend that you skip the dryer for your curtains this time of year? Simply wait for a beautiful warm day. Then, throw open the window, take the curtains from the washer and hang them back on the rods to dry.

While the curtains wash, use that time to wash the windows. If you use a laundromat, save your curtains until the end then drape them over a clothes hanger until you get home.

If your curtains are light and have slight wrinkles, insert a butter knife or two into the hem to help pull out the wrinkles as they dry. Remember to remove them after the curtains are dry. spring cleaning pillows and blankets

Rescue For Those Shabby Pillows Tip 3

Spring cleaning is amazing. It makes you wonder why you didn’t do it in the dead of winter. Even better is that your home looks amazing when you’re done. If you want a cheap way to get all new throw pillows in your home, we suggest you look into the ever growing world of pillow covers.

These must have covers, come in a variety of sizes, colors, patterns and materials. They are an inexpensive way to add a brand new, clean look to your home. Plus, the best part is that you can just wash the cover when the season is over. No more storing bulky pillows. These small items can be quickly laundered and are easy to store. Having a stash of pillow covers on hand is an ideal way to freshen up your home for any season.

Spring Cleaning? Don’t Forget The Blankets Tip 4

This is a season of change. You will still need warm jackets and an occasional light blanket. Don’t forget to have some clean, bright blankets on hand for those cool mornings and chilly evenings. We always recommend that you choose your blankets so that they can be laundered. Check the tags before you buy so you know if it can be laundered. There is nothing worse than cuddling under a dusty, musty blanket.

Stash Away the Winter Shoes and Boots Tip 5

Before you stash away the winter boots and shoes, brush or spray(If the material allows) off any excess mud and dirt. Next, give them a quick once over with a damp cloth or disinfectant wipe. Don’t be tempted to store them with mud or dirt on them, it will damage the material while they are in storage. Grab a scented trash bag to store your boots and shoes in. Inserting a fabric softener sheet will help freshen them up even more.

Now you’re ready to get out your spring shoes and sandals, and if you stored them as mentioned above, there shouldn’t be any work required.

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