Saving Money on Your Laundry Detergents

Once you start using a quality Laundromat like our Laundromat Richmond, VA location, you will be surprised to see the savings it can afford you. And you can also save money on your laundry detergents as well.

There are a lot of recipes for making your own laundry soap, but you need to decide if it’s really worth the time and effort. There are lots of other ways to save money on this product, which if you make a habit of following these few tips, it will really make a difference.

Good to the last drop
More often than not, there is always a small quantity of laundry soap left in the bottom of the containers when they get thrown out. Setting your container upside down when storing it will make sure that none of the soap settles on the bottom. When you get down to where you feel the container is empty, add a little water to the container and swish it around, then pour it into the washer. You will be surprised at just how much was really left for good use.

Use as needed
It really is a tendency to throw away those handy little measuring cups that come with many detergents. Most people would rather just estimate how much soap they are adding to their laundry. Many of us have the illusion that the more soap we add the better the clothes will clean. This should not be the assumption. Neither should you assume that the recommended amount is the right amount either. Don’t forget that soap manufacturers want you to use the maximum amount of their product, so you continue to buy more product.

Test your favorite
If you have a favorite laundry soap, then test how much you really need. These types of products perform different in water that is hard or soft and could be affected by temperature. Run a test to see what works best for your Laundromat machines. Take a large bath towel that you previously washed with this detergent then dried it. Put it in the washer by itself and don’t add any products to the water. Let it go through the wash cycle for about three minutes. Lift the lid of the washer and see if you see any suds. Is there is a ring around where the water line is, that indicates residue. If any of these factors are present, it is a good indicator that when you originally washed the towel, you used too much product. The towel retained some of the soap. If your clothes don’t seem to be as bright as they should be, then this could be the reason why.

These are just a few hints to help you cut down on your laundry detergent costs and help you get the most from your local Laundromat facilities.

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